Thursday, October 6, 2011

Søndagsbarn poster

Appletheme at Søndagsbarn. Calligraphed custom made font, processed in illustrator and burnt into woolen fabric. The text on the apple is also done in laser. The aim of this poster is to illustrate the feeling of enjoying a warm october evening with good foods, drinks and a movie together with friends.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Book of memories

A gift for a retiring professor at the royal academy of theater. Handbound book containing personal handwritten greetings from collegues, bound together with shoelaces. The dvd pocket is calligraphed, containing greetings from former students. The red velour cloth was collected from the schools own theater props. Handwritten calligraphy laserburnt into the cloth and the paper, giving it a tactile and personal feel. I wanted to inhence that this is a gift for someone who´s left imprints in the education of our finest actors.